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Disewakan: Underwater Housing Untuk iPhone 5/5S Termasuk Costum-Made Wide and Macro Lens

iPix A5 Underwater Housing/Waterproof Casing for iPhone 5/5S
Kami menyewakan underwater housing/underwater casing until iPhone 5/5S dengan aksesoris tambahan:

- lanyard (tali untuk pergelangan tangan)
- lens adapter
- macro lens
- wide lens

Harga sewa: Rp. 250,000,-/hari
Sewa 7 hari diskon 1 hari.

Underwater housing iPix A5 khusus digunakan until handphone iPhone 5/5S until snorkelling, scuba diving, free diving, berenang, dll. Dapat digunakan hinge kedalaman 40m++.

Kontak kami di:
Telp: +62812 9070 7278
email: studiofotto@gmail.com
twitter: @StudioFotto
instagram: Studio Fotto
website: www.studiofotto.net

Tripod Thread
Tight Seal

Function Buttons

Inside the iPix A5 Front

Inside iPix A5 Back

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